Use your pool to keep your weight loss resolution this year!
In Southwest Florida, the winter does not mean closing up the pool and staying inside, away from the cold. The benefits of having a Naples Florida pool to workout in are endless:
- There is no need to drive to a gym.
- You will burn a tremendous amount of calories.
- It is easy on your joints.
- You can lose weight without breaking a sweat.
- There are so many ways to burn calories and strengthen muscles, so you won’t get bored.
- It is a ton of fun!
Here are some things you can do that will help get you into shape for 2011:
Tread water:
Did you know that by simply treading water in your pool will burn around 11 calories per min? Do that for ten minutes and that’s equivalent to running a ten-minute-mile! Water provides resistance for your muscles so not only will you burn calories, but you will tone your muscles as well.
Walk in the water:
Brisk water walking can burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories per hour. It is a less strenuous and fun way to burn calories. Like most workouts in water, when walking, the resistance really helps to tone your thighs, butt, and hips. While walking in water, you may not be able to walk as fast as you would onland, but not to worry, you will tone up quicker!
Water aerobics:
Ever gone to a land aerobics class or done an aerobics video? If so, you probably know how great of a workout aerobics can be. So take it to the water! Water aerobics is a fantastic way to burn calories,tone muscles, and stretch the body, all while causing minimal impact to the body. This allows for a fun, upbeat workout that is sure to provide results!
The key to a successful workout routine is to have fun! Just jump in and try it!